Monday, December 04, 2023

Good Morning, World

Happy Monday from me and from writer-director-actor-cutie-pie Jim Cummings, who shared this rare bit of beefcake on his Insta this weekend -- if you've never seen Jim's movies Thunder Road, The Wolf of Snow Hollow, or The Beta Test, I recommend each and every damn one of them. He's a true pleasure. It's possible you've seen him in an acting role outside of his own movies, too -- there's the profoundly strange and awesome movie Greener Grass (which I recommend to any weirdo like me) but as for more mainstream fare he is one of the cops who get killed by Michael Myers in Halloween Kills! Absolutely terrible movie but seeing Mr. Cummings was one of the few and far between highlights. Anyway let's get on with this Monday already...


sissyinhwd said...

He broke my heart when he got married this year.

Laramie Dean said...

He's in GREENER GRASS?!? GREENER GRASS is the best! Good excuse to watch it again so I can look for him.

dre said...

He's distractingly good-looking.