Friday, November 10, 2023

Andrew Scott Nine Times

I wish that Andrew Haigh's movie All of Us Strangers was opening earlier than December 22nd -- I assume the studio is hoping that when people see it so late its actors will be fresh on everybody's minds when they go to vote for awards. But I feel like movies that open this late, especially ones as small and intimate as this, get swallowed up by the holidays, and they need more time to settle in people's brains. Also just out of selfishness I wish it was opening sooner so I could go see it a third and a fourth and a fifth time sooner. Anyway if you missed my raving mad rave review for the movie click here -- its leading man Andrew Scott, who's seen here on one of the "Men of the Year" covers of GQ this month (read his interview here), deserves mountains of accolades for his devastating performance. And I do want to add -- we have this performance and that is its own reward; I still think the Oscars are dumb pointless shit. I'm just steeling myself for two gay actors playing gay roles to get steamrolled all awards season by a "straight" guy playing gay again, and that shit's exhausting (especially when the movie is so terrible). But pelase anyway hit the jump for all of the photos of dear Andrew...


bdog said...

Did you ever watch Pursuit of Love? He was so much fun in that. Great photo shoot, I need that cardigan.

Anonymous said...

I was going to say you don't have to play gay to get an Oscar, just star in a shitty biopic, but then I looked at the list of winners for the last few years and remembered how many of the shitty biopics were of gay people (e.g. Abraham Lincoln)

Anonymous said...

by a "straight" guy playing gay again

I love how when you refer to Bradley Cooper you always put the word "straight" in quotes.