Today I'd rather be...
... wearing Jake Gyllenhaal's shorts.
Jake Gyllenhaal has branded running shorts.
(via) I have done my job in life,
(via) I have done my job in life,
and I can now walk (excuse me, run) into the sunset.
Today I'd rather be...
... wearing Jake Gyllenhaal's shorts.
"I now forgive Calvin Klein for previously hiring Justin Bieber as a model. I literally stopped buying the brand at that. I will reconsider now."--- MNPP commenter Dan approves, as do we all, of CK's use of Aaron Taylor-Johnson as their latest underwear model. Our baby boy is looking good!
Jake!! STOP shaving!! We love the hairiness.
I didn't want to bring that up in the post but yes, thank you for pointing that out VRC
He must have been shaved for Stronger, since this is tangentially related to the film. I recall someone he worked with specifically saying he doesn't like trimming/shaving, but I have been up since 03:00 helping an 18-year-old puggle stand long enough to shit and I'm pretty stoned so that could be a fantasy.
Bless that inseam, though, and those thighs.
Suppabuddho, I'm doing the same with a 16-year old GSP but without the stoned part...unfortunately. That would make it so much easier to tolerate. I keep changing the feeding schedule, but she insists on having to shit and piss in the middle of the goddamn night! I'm exhausted.
I figured you would have said that you would rather “be” his shorts 🫢
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