Friday, September 15, 2023

Good Morning, World

A happy 46th birthday to Mr. Tom Hardy today! This gif is taken from his reality series Driven To Extremes from a couple of years ago -- did anybody actually watch that? I never did but it looks like he put good positive content into the world. Not that we'd expect any less -- he's been doing that since MySpace. Anyway what's next for the Hard-man? He's got Jeff Nichols' biker-gang movie The Bikeriders (based on photographer Danny Lyons' famous book of portraits) which got terrific notices out of Telluride. And then more Mad Max and more Venom blah blah blah.  I never did share that Bikeriders trailer did I? Well opportunity, hello!


par3182 said...

wait, austin butler is the one not doing a nutty accent??

bdog said...

Oy, this looks painful.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

oy, more beautifully lit toxic masculinity?
didn't we already do this with the mob?