Monday, August 21, 2023

Good Morning, World

Hey everybody -- here is some Timmy that Timmy was polite enough to share with us over the weekend (via) -- the way the internet (or, as the kids call it, "the net") moves quicker than my old bones perhaps you've already seen them? Ehhh? I can't hear you, sonny, I have Werthers Originals stuck in my ears instead of my hearing aids. Anyway decrepit jokes aside (and I am feeling especially so this morning, tender to the touch you might say, because I got a hell of a sunburn while out running yesterday) this is a broken place -- my work computer is indeed still down, so I am typing this to you from my home laptop. And I'll be using my personal laptop for at least the next two days. And when I use my personal laptop my blogging capabilities are a little stymied. So the next two days will be sporadic. Took me awhile to get there, but I got there. Say hello to the point. We'll see how it goes when we see how it went. For now enjoy the Timmy, and there's a bonus one after the jump...


Jeffery said...

Bones and All is on Prime at the moment. Watched and liked it a lot.

Anonymous said...

Timmy is a hit and miss with me. Here, definitely a hit. Beautiful.

Bones and All was disturbing though.