Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

... you can learn from:

César: We never appreciate the good moments till they're over.
Antonio: Maybe that's why they're good moments.

A happy 50th birthday to the fine (and fine) Spanish actor Eduardo Noriega today, probably best known here in the U.S. for his lead role in Guillermo Del Toro's perfect 2001 ghost story The Devil's Backbone. That is if he's not known for the movie quoted above from director Alejandro Amenábar -- who coincidentally also made a perfect ghost story in 2001 called The Others. I just don't know how well-seen Open Your Eyes is at this point here in the U.S. -- I never hear anybody talk about it anymore, even though it has gotten a blu-ray release and it is currently streaming on Prime.

Anyway it's very good and you should see it if you haven't! And if you're unaware Open Your Eyes was remade in 2001 (good grief what a convergence point that year is turning out to be for this post) as Cameron Crowe's film Vanilla Sky. And while there are things I admire about Vanilla Sky, Amenábar's film remains far superior. Anyway Noriega did a lot of great work around that time -- Amenábar's 1996 film Thesis is another one that doesn't get mentioned often enough (with The Others getting released on Criterion in October maybe more of Amenábar's movies will finally get good releases). And then there's the homoerotic spectacle of Eduardo and Leonardo Sbaraglia (recently seen in Pedro Almodovar's Pain and Glory)...

... in Burnt Money from 2000, which, wanna hear something nuts? I HAVE NEVER SEEN. I have posted about this movie's existence since the very beginning of this website almost twenty years ago and yet I have still never seen it! Even when images like this exist:

I have quite obviously wasted my life. 


Val said...

Burnt Money is just as sexy as those images would imply. Great heist film, great chemistry between the leads, and a climax even a die hard action fan would be impressed with. Was a seminal viewing for this baby gay back in the day.

Anonymous said...

Leonardo Sbaraglia in that movie....I mean how gorgeous is Eduardo and I was still like "Eduardo is gr....who is THAT"

squeezit said...

Agreed; Jason, you MUST see Plata Quemada. What Val said...in spades. Sbaraglia looks like Michaeli Imperioli's sexier younger brother and you also get Pablo Echarri to round out a very sexy trio of luscious men.