Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Good Morning, World

I haven't watched Tom Holland's show The Crowded Room on Apple+ because, well, everybody said it was terrible. If any of you have watched or are in the process of watching it and have a different opinion, please feel free to share it in the comments. The only thing I know about it is that Tom...

... gets a little gay in it, and that's not not convincing me to watch. What I am saying is I could be convinced pretty easily. Anyway the show apparently co-stars this dude here who goes by Sam Vartholomeos, and... he's also working to convince me to watch. Basically I might be convinced already, is my point. (pics via)


bdog said...

I think Crowded Room is great, and Holland is fantastic in it. They did it a disservice by leaking what it is (VERY loosely) based on. I wouldn't have figured it out.

Paul Outlaw said...

I agree with bdog. There's also the matter of Amanda Seyfried, Christopher Abbott, Jason Isaacs, Emmy Rossum, Will Chase and more actor excellence along for the ride.

Also, Sam Vartholomeos is not recognizable from these (hot) photos.

Anonymous said...

I finished it. It’s not terrible and it left me an emotional wreck. It just has 4 episodes of disorienting setup.