Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Which is Hotter?

Both Orlando Bloom and James Marsden were pap-snapped having some fun in the sun over the holiday weekend -- both of them had just been at Cannes and both of them were photographed in Antibes, France, and on very similar looking rafts to boot! So it's a shame they weren't splashing around together! But no -- if they were together the photographers didn't seem to capture that. James was photographed with...

... French actor Benoit Magimel (from Michael Haneke's The Piano Teacher and many more) though! What a strange small world if you're rich, beautiful, and famous. Anyway if anybody can find proof that Marsden & Bloom were together send it my way -- I'm just going to force them to compete for our pleasure though:

That sorted I have several more photos of the both of them,
so hit the jump and I will share them...


Suppabuddho said...

I won't lie, James hasn't been hitting leg day hard enough.

Andeeey said...

Orlando is hotter. Although they both look amazing lbr.

Jake said...
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larry said...

As if there wasn't a single outer cell of Orlando's body the world hasn't seen. Oh well, more is more!