Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Louis Garrel Three Times

Turns out it's true -- every day is made infinitely better by adding a dose of Louis Garrel's perfect tousle of hair to it. I can already feel a calmness washing over me -- thank you to Flaunt magazine and to Louis' parents in particular for these gifts, here bestowed upon us. Jeez I'm practically praying right now! Well I guess if I was going to become religious Louis Garrel's hair would be as worthy an object of worship as any dead dude from two thousand years ago. Anyway if you have the streaming service Criterion Channel Louis' latest directorial effort The Innocent, which was nominated for a pile of César awards, is now streaming there. It co-stars Portrait of a Lady on Fire's great Noémie Merlant and it's apparently a farce about Garrel getting roped into a scheme of some sort by his mother's new ex-con boyfriend. I've seen a couple of Louis' other directorial efforts and he's actually a pretty good director! It's not just about a gorgeous movie star from a famous family getting the gigs and attention. He has some actual talent! Here's the trailer:


ignacio said...

It opened here in Spain last month and it's very good. Merlant is great in it and the film is very funny.

BTW did you get to watch Honoré's Winter Boy, featuring blond Vincent Lacoste, basketball playing Juliette Binoche and a great Paul Kircher? Loved it!

Jason Adams said...

I did see Winter Boy and I did like it! I think I was incredibly busy when I saw it though (I think it was during Sundance) and so it's sort of flittered off of my brain -- basically it needs a re-watch. But I remember thinking it was lovely.