Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Good Morning, World

I know we all love it when our dudes go big and flashy for the big and flashy Met Gala (and I was all over Lil Nas's other-end-of-the-spectrum look on Twitter). But when you're all six-feet-four-inches of Swedish god Alexander Skarsgård it turns out that a tux is plenty. Would I have been furious if he'd repeated his legendary tighty-whities tuxedo look? No, obviously not. But he still looked perfectly hop-on-able in this Thom Browne concoction, and thankfully Vanity Fair went that extra mile and got us some behind-the-scenes photos as the hot cherry on top. Hit the jump for them...


Jeffery said...

Looks like he got the bags under his eyes removed.

Anonymous said...

^ people leave the most unhinged replies to your posts

Imagine criticizing *Alexander Skarsgård’s* appearance!