Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Good Morning, Rodeo Ken

Are these cowboy photos of Ryan Gosling camp? I feel like they might be -- they're so aggressively butch, but simultaneously with so many highlights and lowlights and so, so much cleavage. And with him spending the entire interview justifying his role as "Ken" in the Barbie movie... I feel like this has to be considered camp. Camp can be sexy, and these are sexy camp. I'll brook no argument -- I have decided. Campiest thing of the week, y'all. Hit the jump for the whole shoot...


VRCooper said...

Camp for sure!! This boy is trying so much to be butch his teeth hurt!! Nice pictures though.

bdog said...

Barbie looks dumb as hell, but he looks great here. I don't think camp is what they were going for, but it's definitely riding that vibe.

Anonymous said...

Looks very porn-y. Also, Ryan looks like he's wearing a rug.

bdog said...

The pics go better with the interview. The video is pretty cute. Liked the dog.

Jack said...

Having taken another look, I am getting a cross between Robert Redford and Lance Bass in those pix.

KingRoper said...

This shoot looks like it came 'straight' from a 1977 Playgirl.

ferretrick said...

I really don't give a damn if they are camp are not; that camp is FIRE.

Anonymous said...

Loved how sassy he was in the interview.

Definitely camp!

larry said...

Any man who loves his horsey ... !!