Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

... you can learn from:

Funny Face (1957)

Jo: If the individual rights are not respected by
the group, the group itself cannot exist for long.
Maggie: What does that mean?
Dick: Something like do unto others
as you'd have others do unto you.

Fred Astaire was born 124 years ago today!
Last I heard there were two biopics happening --
one with Tom Holland and one with Jamie Bell.
And I don't think I ever asked this question so here goes:


AxFromMN said...

It's an embarrassment of riches to say we have potential Holland and Bell doing biopics. I feel like Jamie is a better actor, haven't seen him dance in awhile, though. Tom had that awesome Umbrella lip sync dance, and while he's charming, I haven't really thought of him as an "actor".

Paul Outlaw said...

I just wish the two Billy Elliots would play brothers.

Oh, and Mike Faist would make an excellent Fred Astaire.

joel65913 said...

I'm more of a fan of Bell but I think physically Holland is a better match. Tough finding a replica for Ginger I'm guessing. I see Margaret Qualley is cast, she's a fine actress but I'm having trouble picturing her as a blonde. I know Ginger worked her way through many shades but she was always fair-haired with Fred.

Chip Chandler said...

I think Bell could make a great Gene Kelly — he's got a more streetwise vibe. (Mike Faist would be great as Kelly, too, come to think of it.) Holland might be able to pull off Astaire's elan a little better, but there's probably a Broadway actor who could nail it better than them both.

par3182 said...

I just wish the two Billy Elliots would play lovers.

Shawny said...

Nichole Kidman would be perfect.

Anonymous said...

As much as I like Bell, his physicality is a bit too grounded, too solid for Astaire. Astaire was so light on his feet. I think Holland is a little closer to that.

alfred said...

I'm imagining them both good in their own way and the movies end up running head to head during award season, so one of the shows stages a dance off. At the height of gymnastics excess and heavy breathing, Savion Glover taps on a diagonal across the stage between the Billys Elliott.

Anonymous said...

Both are too good looking for the awkward Fred Astaire. Never thought he was all that he's made out to be. Ginger definitely was the magic. Fred's huge hands and the way he moved reminds me of Jiminy Cricket.