Speak o' the devil! (Did you see those hot-cha-cha pictures of Pedro Pascal we posted earlier?) Here is the official poster for Pedro Almodóvar's short film Strange Way of Life starring Pascal and Ethan Hawke -- this is the "gay western" that Almodóvar's been talking about ever since ye olde Brokeback days. Here's an official still too:
Knowing how rich Pedro's short film The Human Voice with Tilda Swinton was a couple years back the fact that this is only thirty minutes long gives me no pause whatsoever. Anyway it's premiering at Cannes and we cannot wait. That poster up top is so Johnny Guitar we might explode!
Knowing how rich Pedro's short film The Human Voice with Tilda Swinton was a couple years back the fact that this is only thirty minutes long gives me no pause whatsoever. Anyway it's premiering at Cannes and we cannot wait. That poster up top is so Johnny Guitar we might explode!
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