Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Baby's On Fire

Finally some news on Portuguese director João Pedro Rodrigues' latest gay fantasia Will-o'-the-Wisp, a pornographic sci-fi fireman musical that I saw at NYFF last year (here is my review) -- Strand is releasing it here in New York on May 26th! And João Pedro Rodrigues will be here for Q&As too. Rodrigues if you're unfamiliar is the filmmaker behind gay classics O Fantasmo and I can call The Ornithologist a classic now right? it's seven this year. Anyway he's great and this movie is wonderfully bizarre, although perhaps a whisper too short at just sixty-seven minutes long. But leave 'em wanting more pornographic sci-fi fireman musical, that's what they always say! Here is the proper plot description:

"On his deathbed, his royal highness Alfredo, king without a crown, is taken back to distant youth memories and the time he dreamt of becoming a fireman. The encounter with instructor Afonso from the fire brigade opens a new chapter in the life of the two young men immersed in love and desire, and the will to change the status quo."

(It's age-restricted - lame! - so you have to click over.)
No word on where it goes after NYC but we'll keep looking.
I assume thereabouts will be a digital release, if not long after.


Tom M said...

Your posts today. What a day to be alive.

Jason Adams said...

Tom M -- honestly I had the same thought!
With the Almodovar trailer AND this one, my god!

Jake said...

Meh 🙄