Thursday, April 06, 2023

Adam Brody Eleven Times

I totally forgot that Adam Brody was even in the Shazam movies -- all the better for him, I'd say! That franchise's collapse won't drag him down like it might star Zachary Levi (and that Libertarian anti-vaxx a-hole can ride himself right off into the sunset for all I care). I forgot Adam was in the Shazam movies that is until I saw exactly that mentioned in the interview at Inverse that accompanies these extremely handsome photos of Adam. Our O.C. boy is now fully an O.C. man, and he's wearing it well. Hit the jump for all the snaps...


Simon said...

Wait Levi is anti vaxxx?! What a tool! I use to follow him on IG but I got weird holier than thou vibes so I unfollowed. Looks like my instincts were right. Ha.

Dryden said...

He’s always been trash. Had the audacity to ask fans to donate a million dollars so he could have an exclusive party at Comic Con that not a single person who donated would be given access to. When people asked how his party was going to raise money for charity, it came out that his org only ever donated like a fifth of what the money that came in was. Total fraud.