Wednesday, March 01, 2023

Good Morning, Rodrigo

Our old friend Rodrigo Santoro is Bello magazine's cover-hunk this month, looking typically hunky -- I say that but it feels like ages since we've had the pleasure! You can read the chat over at Bello, where he talks about his role on Wolf Pack, the new Teen Wolf spin-off series that co-stars one Miss Buffy Summers. Have any of you watched the show? I have actually heard it is terrible, and I also (inexplicably) never watched the original Teen Wolf in the first place, so I have not. But I am glad it's put Rodrigo in front of me again! Hit the jump for a big ol' pile of pictures...


bdog said...

Wolf Pack isn't a spin-off of Teen Wolf, it's based on a YA series. As a huge fan of SMG and Santoro, I'm enjoying this. It's cheesy, pretty campy and super gay. Last weeks episode was the best yet, and it's getting very interesting now.

bdog said...

Series of books, I mean.

Jason Adams said...

Oh really? Who knew. I guess I was getting it confused with the Teen Wolf movie that is happening? Whatever lol I am so distracted this week

Anonymous said...

Nice feet!!!

stoney8 said...

Rodrigo Santoro Is So Gorgeous! It's Hard To Think He Was The Gold Covered Actor With Chains Hanging From His Face In The Movie 300.

Anonymous said...

I truly believe that in Love, Actually (a movie I hated) he was maybe one of the most beautiful men I've ever seen in a film.

bpdec84 said...

Hello I love the underrated Rodrigo Santoro. Did you happen to see Rodrigo in the last season of Good Morning VERONICA season 3? He has a few hot gay kisses with another Brazilian actor in the second episode. He made big headlines over in Brazil because of the gay kisses and what happened afterwards its crazy!I wish Rodrigo could get a hot show on HBO again but as the lead costar this time. He was so underused on Westworld