Thursday, February 23, 2023

Ben Whishaw Six Times

Don't ask me where I got these Ben Whishaw photos from -- I don't remember! I'm juggling about one thousand pans in the fire right now -- I think I might be mixing up my metaphors but gosh that sounds dangerous. So these came from somewhere, at some point, I don't know. It's Thursday, also? How? This week's been a lot, y'all. So let's set aside our woes and worries and just focus on the Ben. The Ben makes the everything better. Not sure when we'll get to see Ira Sachs' new movie Passages (which I reviewed right here during Sundance) but let's hope this turns out to be a Ben-full year, we could use it. Until then, or whenever, hit the jump for a few more shots from where ever the hell they came...

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