Thursday, January 19, 2023

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... helping Pablo Schreiber get warmed up. (via)

Whoever edited this video edited it perfectly for gif-making -- just enough frames to repeat every shot with the right frequency. It's an art really, so props to them -- made my job of making all of these gifs one million times easier anyway. Hit the jump for said gifs...


Jake said...

I would drink this man's sweat!!!!

Anonymous said...

Holy shit, what a hunk of a man! Wanna feel those big, strong arms wrapped around me. Holding me and protecting me. Taking his time while I feel those muscles pulsating during deep hugs. Then he finally tightens his grip to keep me in place while he mercilessly pounds my hole, balls deep. All the way down to the balls and his big, sexy nostrils widen with every thrust of his cock inside me.