Thursday, July 07, 2022

Taylor Kitsch Five Times

I don't have any idea why this is -- perhaps the pandemic has finally and irrevocably murdered my brain, haha ha sigh -- but for some reason I have really been wanting to re-watch John Carter lately? I wasn't one of the people who gave it a good review even against its general floppage in 2012; I was super excited as a fan of the books and sadly thought the movie was pretty low-grade trash when I did finally see it. But a decade's passed and my expectations have entirely dissipated so maybe now I can find something fun amongst its rubble? Am I just dooming myself to failure again? I'd say that staring at Taylor Kitsch here has never been a bad time in itself but my original reaction to JC proves that a fallacy. Anyway I am sure I will watch it soon, the need is weirdly nagging me, so I will report back. For now enjoy these new photos of Taylor, still gotting it, for Esquire -- I guess he's got some new projects coming out or something, who cares, hit the jump for the pictures...


MJL said...

He spends the movie trotting around in a loin cloth and there was NOTHING you liked about the movie?????????

Blog Friend said...

John Carter remains one of my absolute favorite bad movies of all time.

CorgyBorgy said...

I wanted Tars Tarkas to fist him tbh.