Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Viking Come Home

A new and boisterous batch of set photos from The Northman popped up over the weekend as the film premiered here in the US and I tweeted them but just realized they never got enshrined here at MNPP proper, so let's fix that today! I have a good excuse -- not that staring at naked Alexander Skarsgard and Claes Bang (see below) needs one -- in that the film is already available to pre-order on blu-ray if you can believe it! It's not coming out until December 31st, but still you can buy it here at this link in 4K or plain ol' blu-ray and even DVD, whatever you want. Who am I to judge. Well I say that and then I link you to my (very positive) review of The Northman, which is all about me being the person to judge! I am king of the mixed messages. Anyway I hope if you feel safe going to movie theaters you've gone to see The Northman, or you have plans to before it leaves, because it rules -- on this message I am unmixed. Now hit the jump for several more set photos of note...

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