Friday, January 07, 2022

Good Morning, World

Back in October I posted about how James Badge Dale was busy being hot on some show called Hightown I had never heard of -- well here we are three months later and I can say that I have heard of the show (because I posted about it!) but I still can't say I have watched a smidge. No matter, because James Badge Dale? Still being hot on it. Indeed he had a sex scene on an episode of it over the holidays where he got his butt out and... you're not gonna wanna miss that. JBD got some butt! That said it is a straight sex scene (no thank you) and I had to edit around, you know, his perfectly lovely actress co-star as best I could. We are not here for her! I mean I am not here for her, and it's my site so my rules. Anyway point being they shot the scene so that was difficult so there is some female nudity below too. I always feel guilty posting female nudity! Part of the reason I started doing my gratuitous posts fifteen years back was to help establish internet equity when it came to female and male nudity... I make "getting off" sound so fuckin' fancy, don't I? I been at this a long time, y'all. Hit the jump for the damn gifs...


dre said...

It's not very good. Don't bother.

NealB said...

OT slightly, but honestly, every single sex scene on TV (and in most movies) is staged to start this way, with one partner pulling off the top of the other, then vice versa, then...whatever. Out of the million ways that foreplay can happen, even fast foreplay, this is the one that almost never happens in reality and it looks just that phony on the screen. Except in porn, of course: unimaginative, indifferent; not sexy.