Monday, November 15, 2021

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

... you can learn from:

Hana: There's a man downstairs.
He brought us eggs. He might stay.
Almásy: Why? Can he lay eggs?
Hana: He's Canadian.
Almásy: Why are people always so happy when
they collide with someone from the same place?
What happened in Montreal when you passed a man
in the street? Did you invite him to live with you?

Happy 25 to Anthony Minghella's gorgeous Best-Picture-winning epic, released into limited release on this day in 1996. I feel like this movie was hated for a long time but that people have maybe come around on it some? It definitely got some awards behemoth backlash. Anyway those people were always wrong -- I've loved it since Day One (and I re-watched it a few months ago and it entirely holds up) and I have never understood how anybody could spend any time hating on a film that got Juliette f'ing Binoche an Oscar. Whenever I remember that our greatest living actress has an Oscar I hate the Oscars just a little bit less.


jasonbkny said...

I'm with you, my friend. This movie never fails to make me ache with its beauty

Brad said...

Her Count Chocula cosplay still slays all these years later!

bdog said...

I loved English Patient, I couldn't stop sobbing at the end. Sucks that he only made a few films. Kristen Scott Thomas, always good, is luminous in this. And everyone in Ripley has never been (or looked!) better.

Anonymous said...

A-men. Juliette is the best. Just the best.