Saturday, September 25, 2021

Happy (Fuzzy Pink Jake) Saturday

Y'all know I don't usually post on the weekend but I'm making an exception today for two reasons -- one is that I'm working in my office today working on NYFF reviews and will probably be posting some, but more importantly, two, these photos of Jake Gyllenhaal modeling a fuzzy pink sweater happened. How could I go all weekend knowing these exist without sharing? Hit the jump for four fuzzy pink more...


VRCooper said...

My god!! Who dresses this man. Apparently, he does not. The pink sweater is fabulous BUT lose the t-shirt. Yes, this is a photoshoot but he could have some input on how he is styled. He is Jake after all.

ferretrick said...

Seriously! That T-shirt makes it look like he's in a sequel to that fabric softener commercial where the guy is on a first date and they say his V-neck looks like a U-neck.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Love it.
Love the styling, too.