Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Good Morning, World

I'm straining the "good" part of "Good Morning" to its limit this morning after a confrontation with an anti-mask maniac at my local coffee place has left me a little bit shaken -- word to the obviously unwise: when the people behind the counter are wearing masks as they make your food, wear a fucking mask for them -- but it's okay, Chris Hemsworth is here (via) to distract me with his fine business. Anyway! I'm back today after a long weekend watching 24 (!!!) movies for TIFF in four days; I will be posting some, but I'm also working on TIFF reviews, so there's that. We'll see. Heads-up that I will be offline again tomorrow, for more TIFF, so don't get too used to me. For now though, more Hemsworth after the jump...


Anonymous said...

Screw you, your pass and your mask

magusxxx said...

That last picture gives me Peter O'Toole vibes