Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Happy Sick Day!

How is everybody? And by "everybody" I mean "everybody but me" because I know how I am, and the answer's "Not great, Bob." It's just a stomach thing -- get your minds out of the COVID gutters -- but one that kept me up all night, and so I've retired to my fainting couch for a day of TCM and Gatorade. (Those posts that went up earlier today were pre-scheduled entertainment.) I've already watched two Barbara Stanwycks and I'm working on an Orson Welles. Not a terrible way to spend a day, even if my head feels like chewed and spat gum. It's a shame because this was meant to be a busy day (hence the pre-scheduling) but life loves lemons! See y'all tomorrow.


MTMSLG said...

Get well. I hope Miss Stanwyck eases some of your symptoms. Which movies did you watch?

Jason Adams said...

Thanks, MTMSLG -- I watched The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (which I'd seen before) and Witness to Murder (which I never had, and which was really terrific)

joel65913 said...

Sorry to hear you're illin'. Hopefully Missy Stanwyck can work her magic on you!! How nice that you were able to close a blind spot with Witness to Murder. It's not one of her essentials but a terrific little B.

I'm guessing since TCM is going alphabetically though the Oscar films that the Orson Welles film you watched is The Stranger. That's a decent film thanks to Welles and the ever brilliant Edward G. Robinson and despite the puerile Loretta Young (to me she, along with the unctuous Jennifer Jones) are what Jane Wyman is to you....but probably more so!

Jason Adams said...

Joel -- yup it was The Stranger, which I really liked too; I actually don't like Young either but this was the least she's annoyed me? Or at least I think her Welles worked her weaknesses well into the story, and made them work for the character.