Monday, January 11, 2021

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... melting some snow with Miguel.

(via) Back on Friday I told you about 30 Coins, Miguel's new horror series for HBO that was created by Spanish genre maestro Álex de la Iglesia -- I told you I planned on watching some over the weekend, and watch some I did! Just the first two episodes, but that wasn't for lack of enjoyment -- I'm digging it a lot! If you'd told me that Álex de la Iglesia had made a show about the cursed silver coins of Judas Iscariot haunting a Spanish Soap Opera Town this show is exactly what I'd have pictured. That's praise! Sometimes things turn out less good than they are in your brain, and so far 30 Coins is exactly what I want from that description. I mean all the men wear incredibly tight pants, and...

... Álex de la Iglesia knows how to craft a
 freaky-as-fuck image -- what more could I want from a show?



Anonymous said...

Whoa--I never would've heard about this show if you hadn't signal-boosted it. I'm gonna have to look this one up.

par3182 said...

today i'd rather be the person who gets to film all of miguel's joyful antics