Friday, June 05, 2020

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

... you can learn from:

Freddy: I need you, Jesse. We got special work to do here,
you and me. You've got the body... I've got the brain.
LOL I wonder how much of my love for terrible puns I can trace directly back to Freddy Kreuger? Anyway a very happy 73rd birthday to the icon Robert Englund today -- since it's also Pride Month I had to pick The Gay One, I'm sure he understands. Speaking of have y'all seen the doc about this movie, and lead actor Mark Patton's tortured relationship with it and his own coming out process, called Scream, Queen! My Nightmare on Elm Street? I guess I never properly reviewed it (how did that happen?) but it's terrific and you can watch it on Shudder or you can rent it on Amazon; it's definitely worth a look. GALECA, the LGBT critic's guild that I'm a part of named it the Best Gay Doc of last year -- I don't know that I'd go that far (I really loved Circus of Books for one) but it's up there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love this movie but wasn't really crazy about the documentary.. it was a bit too much about the guy's bitterness against the writer (or the director? I can't remember, saw it a while ago). And when they are confronted after decades of holding that in, it just fizzles. I don't know, maybe I just wasn't in the right mood, but I remember being disappointed that it focused more on the actor and less on the film and it's impact (I recently saw the documentary about the making of 'fright night' and it was quite thorough and interesting. It wasn't great, but it delivered in a way that I'm not sure this one did)