Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Which is Hotter?

Quarantine hasn't gotten desperate enough that I've watched The Witcher on Netflix just yet, but the thought did occur to me today as I noticed it is Henry Cavill's 38th birthday... so instead let's distract ourselves with two of Henry's actually watchable projects! I speak of Guy Ritchie's terrific The Man From UNCLE and then the last Mustache Im... excuse me, Mission Impossible movie...


Anonymous said...

Haven’t seen either. Thank god. But more hair is always better.

Anonymous said...

I haven't watched either but I've watched The Witcher and OMG he's all growly and scruffy and delicious in that (bit of a trainwreck of a show, tbh).

par3182 said...

easy: everything in the man from uncle is gorgeous