I was watching The Serpent and the Rainbow yesterday (more on that in a second) and this scene reminded me that I've long wished for someone to do a super-cut video of people jumping up in bed from a bad dream. I'd do it myself but I've got a terrible memory and can never think of more like like two things at one time. Can y'all think of more moments like this in movies? Lord knows there are probably thousands. Anyway...
... I don't know if Bill Pullman does anything for any of you (he never has and never will do absolutely anything for me, even here in his youthful form) but if he does then The Serpent and the Rainbow is the movie to watch, as he spends a lot of it in various stages of undress. I don't know if this is a controversial statement or not -- I don't know what the general assessment of this movie is -- but I think it's really quite terrible? It has some terrific striking imagery scattered about 90 minutes that feel like 300 minutes.
Maybe if I felt some inclination towards enjoying watching Bill Pullman on-screen it would help but he just washes over me like an intangible tapioca flood. The fact that people ever got him confused with the angst-fueled energetic life-force that was Bill Paxton will never cease to get my goat!
Quarantine Day 52 pic.twitter.com/V2WodOEQij— Jason Adams (@JAMNPP) May 3, 2020
Streisand has one in Nuts, when the character Claudia Draper (who is in a psychiatric ward) wakes up from a bad dream.
Serpent and the Rainbow was based on a really good factual book about a reporter who in my dim memory goes looking into the whole subject of voodoo and discovers what could be something that creates an illusion of zombies rising from the dead....or something to that effect. I read the book which was a bestseller and was very excited to see the movie. It bore very little resemblance to the book and was in fact a pretty poor horror film. I tend to like Bill Pullman as an actor less so a sex object. And from what I hear he is an extremely nice fellow well thought of in "the business". Er...I also happen to like The Sinner especially the first one. :)
The only time I really "got" Bill Pullman was in While You Were Sleeping. Otherwise he's a lukewarm bowl of plain oatmeal.
I remembered that I had seen a super-cut of this particular movie trope (I think Nathaniel posted it once on TFE) and went back to search for it:
Enjoy the rude awakenings!
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