Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Josh O'Connor Two Times

Maybe he'll let me share his mask there?
I can just crawl up under that sweater and...



Anonymous said...

Such a little cutie. I’d take him over any of those bland Avenger blokes any day.

[ joe ] said...

Allow me to go off topic for a minute? I was just wondering if you planned on commenting on the Schitt's Creek series finale and after show Farewell special that aired on Tuesday. Given that I first heard about the series on this very blog and that's what got me to give it a shot in the first place, which then naturally led me to get instantly hooked to it, I thought I would refer back to MNPP for your precious commentary.
If you've seen it yet, I sincerely hope you got as emotional as I did, which is fair to say involved some serious ugly crying/sobbing.
Best wishes, warmest regards.

[ j ]

Anonymous said...

You don't "refer back to...," you "refer to...."