Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Logan Lerman Five Times

So who's watching Hunters? I'm sure some of you are watching Hunters. Maybe some of you have no idea what I'm talking about -- Hunters is the new Amazon series that stars some man named Al Pacino and our wonder boy Logan here as Nazi hunters in 1977 New York. I personally haven't watched any of Hunters yet but my boyfriend has, and when asked he said it's "fine," so there's our ringing endorsement. But I probably will at some point -- watch it, I mean. I mean who doesn't love "fine" things? Speaking of there's more fine Logan Lerman (via GQ) right here after the jump...


Anonymous said...

I watched the show and yeah it's pretty much just 'Fine', imo the person who stood out the most on it was, weirdly, Josh Radnor.

verbocity said...

I was put off by the gratuitous vulgarity of the language and the style.
1) The last conversation Jonah with is grandmother is laced with words one should not use with ones beloved and respected bubbie. That made Jonah seem like a dick. Same with most of the rest of the cast. Educated and experienced people don't have to resort to F*** to express anger, distaste, frustration of the myriad emotions and situations that prompt cursing. It feels so inorganic Meyer, Flash, Mindy, Harriet use it like they are trying to be cool or shock.

2) The riff of 70's exploitation films feels so icky when telling a story about the Holocaust. You can make jokes at the expense of Nazis, but don't be cheap and vulgar. I cannot clearly explain why but the Mel Brooks approach acknowledges evil while Hunters diminishes it.

3) The program is very conspicuous about the way it spends money, but the spending gets in the way of the story telling. Right at the almost beginning. John and his posse discuss the nature of evil in a technically challenging and time consuming sequence involving night shooting, crowds and multiple locations. It's grand to look at, but it gets in the way of what is being said and certainly is not necessary in any way. Later in the first episode the same 3 are at Coney Island having a juvenile conversation when Jonah is prompted to pay a visit to the local street gang. He goes to their hangout but before anything is accomplished the police show up and Jonah is busted. He calls Meyer who bails him out. The whole sequence exists only to put Jonah and Meyer together. Two days shooting (at least), 3 locations, dozens of extras to facilitate something that could have been accomplished with just actors in one small space.
Anyhow, Jonah gets to Meyer's townhouse and when left alone discovers a Hebrew combination lock that opens Meyer's secret lair. The next time we see the Yiddish bat cave, they walk in through a door at the top of the stairs.

We stopped watching before the end of the second episode--I just knew Jonah would do something stupid and he did!

Deets said...

Wildly uneven. Some goofy fantasy sequences that add nothing. Major discrepancies around characters' ages. Gratuitous grotesqueries. I didn't bother finishing it and I NEVER not finish something once I start watching. Read the recaps and even more glad I bailed once I saw how it ended.