Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Pantys 2018 - Actor to Actor #3

Among many things we're doing this week as part of our "Golden Trousers" awards we're taking a look at our 20 favorite performances of 2018 -- how we're doing this is we randomly selected ten pairs of names from our list and then we're imagining a moment between the two characters chosen. Ten times. You can see our previous ones here but for now here's our third random pairing from our 2018 faves...

Jeanette Brinson (Carey Mulligan) in Wildlife meets
Dovid Kuperman (Alessandro Nivola) in Disobedience

Jeanette: So are you married?
Dovid: I am. My Esti... it is complicated. 
Jeanette: Mmm, same. Complicated like complicated! 
My complications have complications! Sometimes 
you just have to make room for them, like an 
empty chair in between. Can I get an amen, rabbi?
Dovid: I am not the rabbi. 
Jeanette: Oh. My apologies, Father. 

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