Friday, February 22, 2019

Next Year Starts Now

Now that I've finally finished my awards for 2018 (see below) I can finally move on to newer things -- I'm straight up like a Botox commercial with all of this freedom of expression! And the rest of the world will be here too after the Oscars spit our their own nonsense this Sunday, thank goodness. I'm not making any Oscar predictions because christ on a cracker I don't really care, but I will no doubt be drunkenly live-tweeting the things, same as every time around, so make sure you follow me on Twitter if you don't already. We can be drunk and angry together, what fun. Otherwise there's nothing new worth seeing in the cinemas this weekend so I'm gonna try to make it to see my beloved Sorry Angel (starring Vincent Lacoste, pictured above) one more time -- so should you! When you can, I mean. It's good. Bye!

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