Monday, January 21, 2019

Which is Hotter?

I cannot fathom how it's taken twenty full days for me to direct y'all to the greatest thing happening on the entirety of the internet in 2019 -- my pal Sean T. Collins, noted writer for the New York Times and Rolling Stone and such and so on, is marathon-posting about the 1989 goddamn classic of a film Road House every single day this year, and it's gold, my friends. GOLD. Click on over to Sean's site to find as of this minute 20 fine essays, as of tomorrow 21, and so on and so on. I don't know what I did good in this life to deserve such treasures, but I got 'em coming. 

Anyway inspired by Sean's a couple of posts I got to thinking about the two hot guys whose name ain't Dalton in this humdinger of a whiskey-soaked cornball opus - there's the sleazy sex-n-skim bartender Steve (played by Gary Hudson) seen humping in the back-room directly above (and previously covered by us right here) and then there's the Real Bad Dude Jimmy (played by Marshall R. Teague) who gets one of the best lines in a movie full of 'em...

In a movie so gay it makes me feel butch these two horned-up mullet freaks were part of what kept me coming back  (and coming) to Road House time and time again as a closeted teenager, and they're still doing it for me here a full forty years later. (PS make sure you put May 19th in your calendar since that's its big anniversary!) So now I must ask -- even though Dalton dispensed the wisdom that nobody wins a fight -- ask y'all...


Anonymous said...

Minority opinion: Sam Elliott

Mark said...

Skin always wins out.

magusxxx said...

Hudson also has a nice shirtless scene in Cameron's Closet. An only so-so horror movie where Hudson plays a wanna-be actor who just knows he was born to play a gladiator.

Uh, it's not that kinda closet Hudson.