Monday, January 28, 2019

Pic of the Day

That is so the face on Jake that says, "So we gonna make this happen, boys?" I know, having made that same face several times in my own life. Anyway on that note Velvet Buzzsaw premiered at Sundance last night (see all of our previous coverage here) and I'm actively avoiding reviews but one tweet did catch my eye that I figured was worthy of mention, even though it's clearly not meant to be positive by the person tweeting it...
... so what you're saying, Gregory, if I can just suss this out... is that Velvet Buzzsaw is a Final Destination Movie With Lots Of Naked Jake Gyllenhaal. That is what you're telling me...? Uhhh...

Velvet Buzzsaw premieres this Friday on Netflix!


ernesto66 said...

Netflix is making this look terrible. We really liked "Nightcrawler" but so far this seems nothing like it at all. The preview on Netflix is a bunch of made-for-cable jump scares and bad special effects, and it goes on forever, telling you not just the whole story but exactly what gory thing happens to all of the main characters except Gyllenhaal. If it's anywhere near as good as "Nightcrawler" I will be very surprised.

Anonymous said...

That twitter review makes the movie sound REALLY good. Not sure if that was the point but now I'm very excited.

Mark said...

If the movie also delivers naked Billy Magnussen, I will actively campaign for it to be included on the AFI Top 100.

Anonymous said...

"If"? "If that gets you excited"? Uh, yeah it does. Glad I haven't watched the trailer. I'll just watch the movie anyway so I don't need a 2.5 minute commercial with spoilers.

Five's a crowd? said...

Anonymous said...

Since you two are exactly alike, are you about done with the mourning veils or naw?