Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Good Morning, World

Well we're two episodes in to Tell Me a Story, has anybody formed any opinions yet? As long as they keep putting James Wolk in his shower every episode (see previous) there's no way I'll stop watching, and this here is clearly the scene James talked about before where he...

... was forced to lean whilst nude on a big burly camera-man, which is nice to think about. That said I kind of think (I'm sorry, Kevin Williamson) that this show is just awful so far. I never watched The Vampire Diaries though - is this what that was? Anyway I have no idea what they're going for, and the direction and the acting... dear me, the acting. Excruciating, stiff stuff. But we're still early...? I guess? I don't know. James Wolk is in the shower. Let's focus on the good stuff. Hit the jump for the good stuff...


Mark B. Wise said...

The supposed fairy tale links are not working for me. Agreed on the dialogue, too.

Adrian C said...

The Vampire Diaries was pretty good for what it was when it started, i remember it took a couple of episodes to get me really hooked, but Tell me a story just doesn't click for me.

Adam807 said...

It’s bad. Very bad. Vampire Diaries was bad too but in a totally different way, nothing like this. I’m very here for all the gay boys and James and nudity though so I’ll keep watching because I’m trash.