Friday, October 26, 2018

It Had To Be Yeun

I'm kind of annoyed at myself that I haven't gotten around to reviewing Lee Chang-dong's Burning, which I saw at NYFF a few weeks back and which is hitting the big bi-coastals this weekend - it's great, and Yeun gives one of my favorite performances of the year in it. See it when you can. (He's doing Q&As here in NYC this weekend, too!) I'm out of time for tonight though so that'll have to be it. You can see some more pictures of Yeun from this month's GQ over on the Tumblr. Or of course here in our extensive archives...

But do come back and visit the site over the weekend because our Horror Movie Mustaches series will keep on trucking, stache-wise, and we'll probably have more reviews from NewFest going up, one or two, as well. We're too damn busy right now for our usual lazy five day schedule, lucky lucky y'all...

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