Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Good Morning, World According to Garp

I'm turning the frown on New York City's crumbling infrastructure system upside down with this morning's "Good Morning, World" post - I'm running woefully late thanks to train bungles and I just happened to have the 1982 movie The World According to Garp sitting here since it was yesterday's "Five Frames From" post and so voila, we shall merge the two and gif the heck out of Garp's infamously gratuitous and immediately awakening wrestling team locker-room scene. (Bless the 80s.) Anyway make sure to properly thank your senators, congresspeople, and Governor when you go to vote this November, and hit the jump for the remainder...


Tom M said...

I'm in my 40's and I think this post may have made me hit puberty again.

John said...

Who is the dude in red?


Jason Adams said...

John - he's my fave too! Wish I knew!

Johnnie said...

80's movies and locker room scenes - such fond memories of rewinding and watching over and over and in slow motion.