Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Wild Wild Life

Hey look it is a brand new picture (via, click to embiggen) from Paul Dano's directorial debut Wildlife starring Carey Mulligan and Jake Gyllenhaal! (We saw a previous picture right here.) The film played Sundance earlier this year and it just played at Cannes and the general consensus that I have gotten whilst totally avoiding reading entire reviews is that it is a good movie and we should be looking forward to it. As if we wouldn't be with those two actors. No word still when we're waiting until though since it still doesn't have a US release date but I bet we see it in the fall since these folks want slash deserve some goddamn statues already. Seriously though, don't they seem like a PERFECT match? They just feel RIGHT. I don't know why I never realized it before but now that I see them together I'm like MAKE ALL THE MOVIES PLEASE.

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