I don't recall James Marsden wearing that uniform last season of Westworld but it's supposedly from the sixth episode. I should go back and re-watch the sixth episode. Anyway James just signed on to star in a new Stephen King movie - click over to The Film Experience where I wrote that news up this afternoon.
Anyway what are we thinking of Westworld so far this season? To be honest I'm kind of bored stiff. I don't feel inclined to keep up with all the time-lines anymore - I keep waiting for them to give me somebody (besides Thandie) to emotionally invest in and it ain't happening. I'm having the same problem with Legion actually. I am dread-watching both of these shows. Somebody talk me down!
I had the same feelings about S2 of Westworld and Legion but didn’t want to admit it haha. Hopefully things can pick up for both. Legion was always a hard sell but I really enjoyed season 1. Westworld needs to be consistent with the timelines and also give us some nekkid Jonathan Tucker, you know as a bonus for watching.
If you're not feeling it, stop watching...your time is too precious. There are way too many good shows out there that you could be enjoying.
I don't watch Westworld (I tried three episodes and got too bored to go on,) but as someone who loved season 1 of Legion and hasn't started season 2 yet, I don't know if I -want- to start season 2 of Legion. I spoiled myself and it sounds like sharks have been jumped a-plenty.
Totally agree. Thandie is amazing, but this season of Westworld is a slog. And "Legion" has the delicious Dan Stevens and even more shirtlessness, but it has become unwatchable. It is a crime to waste the great Jean Smart, but "Legion" is committing said crime on a weekly basis.
I bailed on Westworld after 4 episodes. Utter crap-first of all, the story is well known for the previous versions so there's no reason to bury us in exposition to begin with. Second, even if I didn't know that, being a person of reasonable intelligence, I could catch onto the fact that they are robots acting out a scene. I don't need to watch the same basic sequence 10 times over to figure it out.
I'm not any more bored by Westward than I was in season 1. Which is to say, experiencing the show feels more like an intellectual endeavor than an emotional one. Thandie was the only one I was ever emotionally invested in. Oh, and Jeffrey Wright, I guess. But Anthony Hopkins bored me to tears last season and now, even without him, I can't really connect with any characters. I mean, they're robots. How much am I supposed to care about robots?
Plus it seems any time they have a hot guy they waste them in some way: Marsden and Hemsworth #3 have nothing to do and have never been shirtless, Tucker is still fully dressed, they introduced that hot blonde Indian safari guy but only for like 5 minutes, etc.
Wow... I'll be the lone voice. I love Westworld. Yeah, it's not an emotional soap opera, but so what? There's a billion other series that can manipulate my emotions. This show gets me thinking and I like that... and yeah, James Marsden is always wearing tight pants, so there's that.
"How much am I supposed to care about robots?" -- in context, that's actually a pretty profound query! It's one of the things that keeps me coming back. I agree that the show feels more like an intellectual exercise than anything else. I like the places it takes my mind grapes.
Shaun, I actually think it's the context that works against that particular query. I'd argue the show just naturally assumes we're fully on their side and are rooting for them, especially Evan Rachel Wood's character. And by making most of them extremely violent, I root for them even less. Although this might have something to do with this show's writing in general, as I also REALLY don't care for Ed Harris' character, either.
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