Monday, May 14, 2018

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

... you can learn from:

Charlotte: 25 years. That's uh, well it's impressive.
Bob: Well you figure, you sleep one-third of your life,
that knocks out eight years of marriage right there.
So you're, y'know, down to 16 and change. You know
you're just a teenager at marriage, you can drive it
but there's still the occasional accident.

Happy birthday to Sofia Coppola today!
Why don't you rank her movies in the comments...


Anonymous said...

Lost in Translation > Marie Antoinette > The Virgin Suicides > Somewhere > The Beguiled > The Bling Ring

Wish she'd direct that "Fairyland" adaptation she co-wrote, and cast Oscar Isaac.

Adrian C said...

6. Marie Antoinette (Haven't seen this, but really don't like Kirstent Dunst so isn't too much of a leap to put it dead last)

5. The Bling Ring

4. The Beguiled

3. The Virgin Suicides

2. Somewhere

1. Lost in Translation

JB said...

Marie Antoinette > Lost in Translation > Virgin Suicides > The Beguiled > The Bling Ring > Somewhere

Anonymous said...

1. Lost in Translation
2. Virgin Suicides
3. Marie Antoinette
4. The Beguiled
5. Somewhere
6. The Bling Ring

I haven't seen Virgin Suicides since it first came out so I'd have to rematch it to really make sure it belongs there. 3 and 4 could probably be swapped without a problem. And then there's a BIG drop-off between 5 and 6. Bling Ring felt so generic, like anyone could have directed that. She brought no insight to that situation and couldn't get all the actors on the same page, style-wise.

quesindrome said...

01-Marie Antoinette
02-Virgin Suicides
03-Te Beguiled
04-Lost in Translation
06-A very Murray Christmas
07-The Bling Ring.

tsuyoikuma said...

Marie Antoinette > Virgin Suicides > Lost in Translation > The Beguiled > Somewhere > The Bling Ring