Friday, December 15, 2017

That's Ms. Laura To You

Hey look it's the bestest actress in all the world! As promised yesterday I did indeed post both a photo and a video of Laura Dern (aka Ms. Laura to her friends) on my Instagram last night - you can see them right here. But neither of them adequately get across the spectacular nature of Ms. Laura's boots, so I had to share one more that sort of does, because goddamn, girl. THEM SOME BOOTS. It was a wonderful night full of insight about my favorite actress - she was as funny and as smart as you expect her to be. And she does a KILLER David Lynch impression. Stay tuned to FSLC's website, I'm sure they'll put up a video of the whole thing at some point, but for now here's one more video I took where Ms. Laura talks about working with her Fabulous Mom Diane Ladd...

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