Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Take Your Breathe Away

Did anybody actually see Breathe? Did Breathe even come out? Breathe is the movie with Andy struck down by polio opposite Claire Foy - IMDb says it came out in October but it didn't seem to make much of an impression, I guess. It is hitting blu-ray right after the holidays though, so stay tuned, polio fun straight ahead. 

(I ask this question knowing fully well that the only correct answer to "What actor sexed themselves up in a mirror the best?" is and always will be Alain Delon in Purple Noon.) Anyway I guess Andy won't be getting an acting nomination this year, but he kinda owes the world one after that Hacksaw Ridge absurdity last year, so take it in stride, dude. And in return we'll post some pictures of him after the jump to make sure he feels a little love...

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