Monday, November 13, 2017

Good Morning, World

I'm running terribly behind this morning (thank you once again, New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority) and so here right quick without anything to say about it is our boy Luke Treadaway dropping his towel in something called Unspeakable (I have no idea what it is except it was on recently), right here after the jump anyway, let's get this day started already...


Forever1267 said...

It might not be soap, but He dropped the towel! It's a sign!

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to see that somebody told Mr. Treadaway to eat a sandwich. I've followed the twins career paths a bit, but always thought they looked malnourished. I haven't seen Harry recently but Luke is looking better than he did at the beginning of his career naked or not,

Anonymous said...

So a teenager or young adult who doesn't look like a bodybuilder hitting the gym 24/7 or a 30 something playing a high school student is malnourished? Fuck off. Both Treadaway twins always look awesome whether they're 20 and skinny or 30 and got some weight.