Thursday, July 13, 2017

Street Rat Scoundrel

(ETA Watch this space - this info might be false, it's only coming from one source. Will update, but for now Enjoy The Pictures) So far we don't know if Guy Ritchie will take my advice when casting the villain Jafar in Disney's upcoming live-action Aladdin remake (I recommended the Turkish singer-actor Murat Boz, and you'll see why at this link) but he seems to be on the correct track now that they've announced the lead who's playing the one and only Mister Aladdin Sir -- his name is Siddharth Gupta and he's a Bollywood actor... well he's only been in one movie so far, called Kuku Mathur Ki Jhand Ho Gayi (which Google tells me translates to "Kuku Mathur became the flag" - feel free to correct me if you know Hindi) and which has this image on its poster...

LOL Bollywood can be so weird. Okay okay it's no broader than any of our dumb mainstream comedies. But still. Anyway Siddharth Gupta is our Aladdin, and.. you guys, his Instagram is stocked to the gills with half-naked selfies. Because 2017, everybody. So I gathered some up! Hit the jump for them...


Anonymous said...

The young guy is pretty but I could really get behind your choice of Murat Boz.

MTMSLG said...

Guy Ritchie, Aladdin, and some Bollywood nobody . . . That'll pack 'em in.