Monday, July 31, 2017

Buffy is 25

Besides being the 25th anniversary of Death Becomes Her (as previously noted) today is also the same for the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie, which stars Kristi Swanson as the chosen one. I honestly don't think I have seen this movie in at least 20 years, probably longer. All I remember is Pee-wee getting staked with a ruler, and Luke Perry being cute (but I only thought so because of this photo-shoot). Should I rewatch it? 

1 comment:

Chad said...

If you liked the tv series, it's interesting to see how Whedon implemented his ideas and saw what worked and what didn't. It has a great cheesy training montage with Divinyls' 'I'm Not Going To Eat My Heart Out Anymore.' Some great Whedon one liners, "he wears a brown tie." Hilary Swank is a great mean girl despite her dorkyness. I've enjoyed some repeat viewings since I watched it when I was a kid.