Thursday, June 22, 2017

It's Meryl's World

I went to a Q&A with the great Ann Dowd last night (an experience that I highly recommend) for a room full of actors (I am not an actor... but I play one on TV?) and the moderator was asking her about certain roles in her career and he brought up the 2004 remake of The Manchurian Candidate (Dowd played one of Meryl's fellow Congresswomen) and you might have thought that angels had descended into the room and began caressing Ann Dowd's face, as she beamed with light and love thinking about what it was like to work with Meryl Streep

So go we all. It is Meryl's birthday 68th today and it's somehow not yet a National Holiday so we'll have to make our own. I was trying to think up a different fun way to celebrate than the usual (nothing so boring as a list of my five favorite performances of hers) and thanks to Ann Dowd's extraordinary reaction my mind wandered to the people Meryl's worked with, and one of her finest screen partners (finest meaning a couple of things) in the past decade and a half has been Mr. Stanley Tucci, who she has starred opposite in both The Devil Wears Prada and Julie & Julia. So let's focus on that! As generous an actor as Meryl apparently is I don't think she'll mind...



par3182 said...

have you confused ann dowd with margo martindale?

Jason Adams said...

SHIT you're right that picture is Margo -- can't believe I did that! I just sat in a room with Ann Dowd for 90 minutes last night. And I read that interview with the both of them last week (Dowd and Martindale) which I think planted the seed of confusion. ANYWAY I deleted that picture, but otherwise everything I actually wrote was on point about Meryl & Ann. :)

par3182 said...

that's hilarious. i read that vulture interview and wondered how people confused them

now i know :-)

Jason Adams said...

That's the thing -- I had never confused them before that interview! They made me do it with their sinister whisper campaign.