I said I was trying to back off the twinks and yet... here we are... anyway I wasn't aware of this young Nicholas Galitzine fellow until last week when our pal Nathaniel interviewed him over at The Film Experience for his new film -- it's called Handsome Devil (you can see why) and Nicholas stars opposite Fionn O'Shea (and yes in case you were wondering "Fionn O'Shea" does have red hair)...
... as a pair of boarding school students and rugby stars who become friends, and since the film's sold as "a gay film" I'm guessing there's more to it. (Also the movie has the great Andrew Scott in it as one of their teachers.)
Handsome Devil is out on demand right now so we should all go watch it together! (If you've already watched it - it's been out since last week - give me your thoughts in the comments.) Anyway Galitzine has a few projects under his 22 year-old belt - that gif up top is from a TV series called Legends that he was on an episode of (and also played gay on, by the way...
... and he also made a Musical Arts Romance (about the love
between a violinist and a dancer) called (wait for it) High Strung...
between a violinist and a dancer) called (wait for it) High Strung...
Classic. Anyway Nicholas is basically just starting out his career, so let's welcome him with open arms! Go follow him on Instagram (he sings a lot!), go watch Handsome Devil, and also go and hit the jump right here for a few dozen more photographs...
The poster for High Strung is somehow even worse than the description:
That said, I am here for this. Nicholas looks like Douglas Booth's even more delicately-featured younger brother.
The violin picture has been my IPod wallpaper for the last week.
There's no such thing as too many thinks.
"Twinks", dammit, "twinks". Not "thinks", not "twins"--well, maybe "twins"--just "twinks".
Damn autocorrect.
IF HE WEREN'T ACTING: I'd like to inject the jam into the doughnut.
I always assume anyone with enough muscles, like this guy, to be referred to as a twunk by some doesn't really qualify as a twink. Simply being a certain age isn't enough, as some elderly queens reminded me when I posted a picture of myself at 20, snuck into a gay bar in to a gay event at South Florida, so I was a bit more dressed up than your average 20 year old and it was a picture I had used on cruise sites which always got back a 'handsome' response and I was told, in no uncertain words by the vast majority of the posters (think mid-50s to mid-80s tea drinkers with a literal toy box with dildos in their boudoirs) but far from a twink as I looked 'too mature.'
Anywhoo, Handsome Devil is actually an interesting enough film to watch through at least once, especially if someone else is paying for your Netflix access. Galitzine is definitely talented enough to hold your interest, albeit I'm not fond of some of the plot devices used to get from the start of the film to it's denouement.
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