Friday, May 19, 2017

Pics of the Day

I'm ignoring most everything coming out of Cannes right now for the sake of my delicate sanity - there are way too many people that I know, nominally at least, that are actually there in sunny France seeing movies this year and it's paining me, paining me, paining me, the hard thrum of jealousy inside my soul - but pictures of a generously bearded Jake Gyllenhaal floating upon an airily hallucinogenic spectre of Swinton at the Okja press conference are too good a gift to pass up. (via, click to embiggen)


Anonymous said...

@ JA is it true that Alessandro Nivola has a nude scene in One Hundred Percent Humidity , does he show his bare butt ? :-)

Jason Adams said...

He shows part of his butt, from what I remember. Like a half moon.

Anonymous said...

Too bad the critics are ripping Gyllenhaal's performance in "Okja".

Anonymous said...

Horse-face Jake is getting the worst reviews of his career with this movie.