Monday, May 08, 2017

Good Morning, World

This week's second episode of American Gods was even better than the pilot (which was already strange and wonderful itself), I thought, and not just because Ricky Whittle had a long scene showcasing... well,  Ricky Whittle. Even though we're just two episodes in I've been thinking a lot about why this show's working for me while Legion (a similarly flashy crowded show) did not... 

See, Legion remained vague incoherent to me; its big showstopping numbers were always exciting but nothing felt connected to anything else and I could never suss out the reasons why Noah Hawley was making some of the choices he was making in building that world. A show about schizophrenia maybe doesn't actually have to feel so schizophrenic. (I have hopes for the second season though.)

American Gods, on the other hand, even though it veers wildly between bizarre Godly landscapes, everything even at this early point feels of the same world. The story might not make sense yet (especially to those unfamiliar with the book) but you can sense where its leading. The storytellers don't feel overwhelmed by the story. Anyway that's just my quick two cents - to thank you for indulging my pre-caffeinated ramblings hit the jump for several more gifs of Ricky Whittle being Ricky Whittle...


Anonymous said...

Not having read the book, I'm finding several recaps online that help me to grasp what is happening a little easier than just flying blind. And to the writers etc of the show kudos, because I'm finding that I understand a lot more than I thought I did once I read the recap. I find the Vanity Fair recap perhaps the best because it does reference the books, and sometimes compares the two presentations of scenes and/or characters. If you are curious just google American Gods recap and a number of ones come up. So far I'm enjoying the series immensely. I did like Legion. Maybe because I didn't know in the beginning it was an origin story, but feel similarly about your comments regarding that show.

Anonymous said...

This episode was a snoozefest. I did enjoy the premiere, but I still found Legion to be far more exciting by its second episode. Enough to warrant repeated viewings, which at this point I can't say I'll be doing for American Gods.